Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Clear Creek and Bolder Boulder

We stayed busy Memorial Day weekend. Friday morning we drove to Idaho Springs (not Falls) with Matt's dad and brother. After a short pit stop we drove along highway 103 to Echo Lake Lodge. Our plan was to drive to the top of Mt. Evans but, unfortunately, the road was closed at the lodge. As a result, we spent some time in the gift/coffee shop. There were loads of hummingbirds coming and going from the feeders so we did what we could to take photos of them. After a sufficient amount of time hanging out
, driving around, and getting photos in the snow we made our way down back into Idaho Springs. We stopped at The Vintage Moose for bratwursts and burnt ends. After lunch, we went rafting down a stretch of the Clear Creek with the Clear Creek Rafting Co. The part of the creek that we rafted was pretty tame with nothing above a class 2 rapid but we are sure that the reason we didn't capsize was because we had the best guide in the world. After a very successful run, we stopped for dinner at Beau Joe's Pizza Co for one of their famous mountain pies and some solid microbrews.

After a delightful night at the Columbine Inn, we ate breakfast at The Frothy Cup. Neil stayed at the coffee shop to work on a presentation she had to give on Tuesday while everyone else toured The Argo Gold Mine. We met back up after the tour, ate lunch, and spent some time looking around in the shops in town. On the drive back, we took the scenic route along the Peak to Peak Highway stopping in Rollinsville for a drink at the Stage Stop bar. There, we played a round of shuffle board before making our way back to Boulder.

Monday morning, we woke up bright and early for the Bolder Boulder 10K. Neil was in a wave that started about two minutes ahead of Matt's wave but that didn't stop Matt from catching up at the two kilometer mark. Though, in Neil's defense, she did a slip and slide during the race which clearly set her back a bit on time. In any case, Matt finished his race in 48 min!! Neil finished in just over one hour (again, the slip and slide). We met up at the stadium for snacks and to watch other runners come in. Neil enjoyed a pre-ordered post-race hot dog which is sure to become a BB10K tradition. After that, we met up with Matt's dad and brother and headed over to Matt's apartment to help him with some last minute moving. Finally, we had a very lovely dinner at Riff in downtown Boulder.

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