Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Canyonlands backcountry

It was spring break, a great opportunity to spend three days in the backcountry of Canyonlands National Park. We broke up the drive from Boulder, CO by spending the night at rabbit valley campground, part of the Bureau of Land Management's McGinnis Canyon National Conservation Area in far west Colorado. It might have been the oddest campsite, but it was free!

We started our hike at the Alcove Springs trail head in the western portion of the Island in the Sky. Over the first mile or so we dropped about 1300 feet to Trail canyon. Working our way towards the Green River, we entered Taylor canyon and were greeted by Zeus and Moses, some picturesque sandstone spires.  While setting up camp a storm came through. It lingered through the next day.

In the morning, we continued on to the green river, where we stopped for lunch. It smelled like low tide. Making good time on the flat ground, we reached out planned campsite early in the afternoon. This area was particularly canyon-y, as a result we had to scramble up the bank of the wash to find flat ground that wasn't prone to flash floods. Turns out this was a most spectacular campsite.

On the third day we woke up to amazing weather and made our way out of upheaval canyon, around upheaval dome on the syncline valley loop. Came across a pretty cool oasis. Getting out of the canyon involved quite a bit of scrambling over some large boulder fields. It was fun! 

Things learned: Rocks are cool af. Neil is neurotic about Cryptobiotic soil.

Distance Traveled: 21 miles 
Net elevation change: 1,300 feet

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